Saturday, November 21, 2009

Reading, Riting and Re-charging

Today officially began Reading Week. For me it's more like writing week. And of course, since there's a holiday in there, there will be a bit of relaxing, known as recharging. My plan is to get my home spotless, Christmas card envelopes addressed, all laundry done, cook ahead and getting organized. Oh, no!

Organizing means clarifying the topics of the four papers I have to write/finish in the next three weeks, write and outline, identify any additional resources and get ready to dig in after Reading Week. I do plan on really reading during this week. Usually I read the assigned chapters a day or two before the class. However, because I want to focus on my papers, I hope to read all that I will need for the rest of the semester in the next few days. That should be possible because it's only about 300 pages.

Well, Time to move onto the next page turner.

1 comment:

  1. ok I made it here and even became a follower. You should be really good at this! Good luck on all your pages. I read 125 pages of court transcript last night, it was actually pretty interesting.
