Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Which way?

   I'm tired of getting lost!
   I suppose you could tell me to get a GPS. That would help, but wouldn't solve the problem. I've determined that the root cause of my getting lost while driving is the placement of street/road signs.
It would be nice to be able to look at one place at each intersection to know what street I'm crossing.
   For example, I was in Madison a few weeks back. At the first intersection I came to the street sign was on the south east corner, so I got into the left lane so I could see the sign at the next  intersection.     
   Wrong move, this time it was on the north east side, and a sign small enough and at an angle I couldn't see until I got right up there and too late to change lanes. Thus I went a block or two too far and then encountered one way streets that made my track onto the correct path a bit of a challenge.
  Then just a week or two ago I was traveling on some of the rural roads around here. The signs were often across the intersection of a wide, busy street. In that case I twice crossed an intersection, getting half way across and realizing I should have turned, not something I could do without messing up traffic and a car or two.
  So, I'm on a one-woman campaign to have uniform location of all street signs. Any takers?
   Prayer Concerns:
   For physical healing: Mike, Mona, Mary Ellen

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Liberal or conservative?

   I've decided the words "liberal" and conservative" should be removed from common use.
   Why? Because I'm confused.
   The words often have opposite meaning in terms of the secular and religious worlds.
   For example,  the topic of discussion in my Ethics and Moral Theology Class for the past two weeks has been environmental issues.
   When it comes to the environment, I am a conservative, theologically, but a liberal politically. Now that's confusing. With other issues it can be the opposite. When one is described as a liberal or conservative, I'm never quite sure what that means.
   I remember having a conversation with my priest about five years ago and said I thought he was a study of opposites because he was a conservative theologically and a liberal politically, on specific issues, that is. I couldn't understand how that could be.
   I now understand how that happens, but it doesn't make any sense to me, or help de-confuse me.
   Back to the environment. In just a few words, conservative theology view is that one is to protect the resources and all of nature by using them as God intended and not to extremes. In the secular world, one who is cautious regarding the environment, is likely classified a liberal.
   I could go on and on with examples, but I would still conclude the same. Any suggestions?
   For healing: Mike, James, Clayton
   For support: Mike's siblings, Ruth, Heather
   For comfort: Krista, Nathan, Lars,